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 Riding level 3!!! HELP ME QUICKLY!!!

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Riding level 3!!! HELP ME QUICKLY!!! Empty
PostSubject: Riding level 3!!! HELP ME QUICKLY!!!   Riding level 3!!! HELP ME QUICKLY!!! Icon_minitimeFri Aug 22, 2008 12:16 am

I'M Alexandra878 FROM HOWRSE.COM AND I REALLY NEED THE NEW ANWSERS TOO RIDING LEVEL 3:confused: confused confused PLEAES HELP ME FAST AND GIVE ME SOME GOOD ANWSERS.Embarassed Embarassed Embarassed whoever gives me the write answers will be given a reword in MONY,APPLES,TURNUPS,OR EVEN A HORSE so please help me!!! THANKS!!!No No No Embarassed Laughing Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad
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Riding level 3!!! HELP ME QUICKLY!!! Empty
PostSubject: Howrse riding level 3 answers!!!!   Riding level 3!!! HELP ME QUICKLY!!! Icon_minitimeThu Sep 04, 2008 1:07 am

I'm not sure what questions you get but these here are the ones i got plus answers....

1. Feeding your horse sugary feeds and treats can give them cavities in their teeth: TRUE.
2. A horse that requires little extra dietary maintenance and maintans a healty weight is often called a: EASY KEEPER.
3. What vitamin is essential for a breeding stallion to have in his diet: VITAMIN A.4 - If a horse needs 2.2 pounds of hay per 100 pounds of body weight per day, how much hay does a 900 pound horse need in a day: 19.8 POUNDS
5 - What is Founder? Inflammation of the laminae of the hoof
6 - Pasture can provide your horse with an excellent source of fresh forage: TRUE, i think
7 - When your horse refuses food and water, looks around at their sides, paws the ground and tries to lay down often, what is wrong? They have Impaction Colic
8 - Horses that are frequently exercised need what? increased protien and increased carborhydraits
Hoe these are right....enjoy!!!!!!!
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Number of posts : 47
Age : 29
Your login on Howrse : filly1
Hobbies : singing, hocky, riding etc.
Registration date : 2007-09-10

Riding level 3!!! HELP ME QUICKLY!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Riding level 3!!! HELP ME QUICKLY!!!   Riding level 3!!! HELP ME QUICKLY!!! Icon_minitimeThu Sep 04, 2008 10:44 am

I have all the riding level answers in my ec forum.
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Riding level 3!!! HELP ME QUICKLY!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Riding level 3!!! HELP ME QUICKLY!!!   Riding level 3!!! HELP ME QUICKLY!!! Icon_minitime

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